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Mel Pustkuchen

Hi I am Mel,

I am happily married, have three crazy, gorgeous and energetic children and live in Northern Queensland.  My family’s wellness, wellbeing and happiness is my ‘everything’! 

I have always been health conscious and sought out alternative practices when possible. However, it wasn't until my young family moved to Northern Western Australia for my husbands work in 2017 that it became my number one priority. At the time we had a three year old and a 1 year old, my husband was working 6 days a week and huge hours. We started off really excited and did lots of adventures exploring our new home. About 6 months in I began to get really concerned about the kids health. We began getting colds that rapidly turned into chest infections, we were getting gastro at least once a month and the kids and I started breaking out in eczema.

I tried to use natural products, even though the costs of the products up there was very high, however, I was not noticing any difference. I then got pregnant with my third child. At the time my then four year olds behaviour was really bad, she was having bad stomach pain and difficulty sleeping. My son had eczema all over his back and legs, as well as numerous courses of antibiotics for his chest infections. I became very sick during the pregnancy and my thyroid crashed.

Safe to say I had reached my limit, I reached out to a friend who I knew was using essential oils and Young Living products to switch to a Low Tox home and I asked for help. That was in April of 2019 and I have never looked back. 

We used the oils to help with our sleep, our emotions, our immune systems and our skin. We then made the switch to the Young Living range of household cleaning and personal products as well as introducing Ningxia. I couldn't believe the difference it made, over a matter of months we were feeling so much better, our skin conditions had gone and our immune systems were able to fight off most of the viruses going around town.

I started telling anyone and everyone about these products and how much of a difference they have made and my business was born.

It was the best decision I ever made for myself and my family and that is why I am so passionate about sharing it with others. The best part this passion, has enabled me to stay home with my babies and allow me to contribute to our families finances. Our family have been able to travel Australia for the last nine months, supported by my Young Living business, what could it do for your family? I would love to help to give you that freedom too!

Mel xx


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